SALT LAKE CITY, October 13, 2023 – AEGIX, provider of industry-leading safety resources, technology and training, today announced it is now a Mission Partner of The “I Love U Guys” Foundation. The goal of this strategic partnership is to restore and protect the joy of youth through educational programs and positive actions in collaboration with families, schools, communities, organizations and government entities.
As a Mission Partner, AEGIX will host a training event for The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s programs for crisis response and post-crisis reunification at no cost to Utah school districts. The “I Love U Guys” Foundation-SRP Half-Day Seminar will be held November 10th at 669 S West Temple, Salt Lake City. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m., with training commencing from 8:30am – 1 p.m.
The flexible and easy-to-learn Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and Standard Reunification Method (SRM) are based on research, best practices and the real-world experience of school administrators, psychologists, public space safety experts, families, and first responders. As a part of the partnership, AEGIX and The “I Love U Guys” Foundation will also conduct joint webinars on the topic of school safety.
“The partnership between The ‘I Love U Guys’ Foundation and AEGIX represents the power of what’s possible to enable and enhance an environment of safety in our schools and communities,” said Chet Linton, CEO of AEGIX. “We are honored by the opportunity to align our efforts and actions with that of this incredible organization. The combination of incident management tools and technologies such as AEGIX AIM with the SRP/SRM protocols and methodologies is all part of a Comprehensive Incident Response (CIR) framework that can be nothing short of transformational for school and community safety.”
The AEGIX AIM (Active Incident Management) platform cuts through the chaos to save precious time in an incident. The system manages a crisis from beginning to end, starting with empowering individuals such as teachers or administrators to notify others of an emergency with a click. In a worst-case scenario, such as an active shooter, teachers simply push a button in the app to let administrators and first responders know if they are “safe” or “unsafe.” AEGIX AIM can be operated from a desktop, laptop or smartphone to deliver alerts, real-time communication, interactive maps, threat detection, situational awareness and incident management response, reunification and reporting.
“The AEGIX team understands that effective communication is critical during a crisis, and their products work to address this,” said John-Michael Keyes, Executive Director of The “I Love U Guys” Foundation. “We are excited to embark on our partnership with an organization that has shown that its mission is aligned with ours, and it is committed to improving safety in our schools and communities.”
In August, the Utah state legislature codified and expanded on existing administrative rules of HB140, which outlines the “Standard Response Protocols to Active Threats in Schools” in Utah. The SRPs, developed by The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, helps Utah schools comply with this legislation by meeting and exceeding the state requirements for LEA or school to develop emergency preparedness plans and emergency response plans that include developmentally appropriate training for students and adults regarding: active threats, emergency preparedness, drills and standard response protocols coordinated with community stakeholders.
AEGIX exists for one purpose: to keep people safe. Emergencies and critical incidents are unpredictable and when they happen, nothing can replace adequate preparation to calm the chaos and manage the situation successfully. AEGIX takes action to discover and develop solutions aligned to the best practices of the Comprehensive Incident Response (CIR) Framework. Software, site evaluation and professional services are the three main pillars that make up AEGIX’s safety solutions. For more information, please visit AEGIXAIM.com.
About The “I Love U Guys” Foundation
The “I Love U Guys” Foundation was founded in 2006 by Ellen and John-Michael Keyes following a school shooting that took the life of their daughter, Emily. On that day Emily sent two text messages… One to her mother, Ellen, “I love u guys. K” and to her father, John-Michael, “I love you guys.”
The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s programs for crisis response, the Standard Response Protocol (SRP), and post-crisis reunification, the Standard Reunification Method (SRM) are used in more than 45,000 schools, districts, departments, agencies, organizations and communities around the world. They are created through the research-based best practices of school administrators, psychologists, public space safety experts, families, and first responders. We’re a powerful conduit uniting this work.
Media Contacts:
Tim Rush
Springboard5 for AEGIX
Allyson Jones
The “I Love U Guys” Foundation
Communications Manager