Finding Success with Our Customers
“The Emergency Management System (DIR-S) has answered a unique need in our schools for a live, interactive communication system that allows everyone who needs information to have instant access to exactly what is needed. Not having a system that could perform this function in an emergency would be like choosing not to have the 911 system or a dispatcher, both are critical during an emergency event. AEGIX AIM powered by DIR-S gives all staff and first responders live information about any situation, allowing responders to target resources, getting help where it is needed immediately.”
David Long
Logan School District
“Excellent training! We will plan on it next year.”
Superintendent Barzee
West Side School District
“This is something we have needed for years!”
Tactical Commander in UT
“[The] prevention measures parallel the best practices I’ve seen in my field.”
Laurel Carter
“AEGIX AIM powered by DIR-S is an absolute in our schools.”
Board Member
in Cache Valley
”Schedule this for all of our schools.”
Superintendent Norton
Cache County School District
“The AEGIX AIM powered by DIR-S system is the best I have ever seen.”
Police Cheif
Police Chief in ID